Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Awesome find!

Yesterday, my mom pulled behind a store to make a phone call when she noticed a woman- mannequin in a recycle bin (I would have put it in the dumpster).  I was at home when I got the call from my mom that there was a mannequin in the recycle bin (are you seeing a repetitive theme here...call, mannequin, recycle bin).  I told my mom that I REALLY wanted that mannequin.  So she came home picked me up and got a stool.  Once we got to the recycle bin I noticed a sign on the side of the recycle bin, it said that that if you took anything out of that recycle bin they would fine you $2,500 or you could go to jail for a year...your choice.  Yikes!  We certainly did not want to go to jail and we could find a mannequin on Craigslist for $50, so we knew it wasn't worth it.  Also, there were LOTS of cameras around, so we would get caught if we took the mannequin.  I convinced mom to go inside the store that had that recycle bin, which was a bridal shop. It was really weird going inside the FANCY store and asking if we could take the mannequin.  The lady at the store was super nice and was very enthusiastic about us taking it (meaning she LOVED the idea).  So I climbed in the recycle bin (that part was awesome!!!!!) and I had to use my strong gymnastics skills to flip on outta there!!!
I made a dress yesterday and started making a new one this morning.  Here's some pics.
I named her Sasha.
  Please excuse the mess.
I made this dress  out of an interesting dress my mom didn't want any more.

I made this one out of old sheets my mom didn't want any more.

It REALLY made a mess in my room.

                                   But it's totally worth it!  I love Sasha!
                                                     Thanks for lookin'!!!  ~ Kara

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